Waaniyeyaasha Asaagaa

Kaalmo ka hel waxbarashada iyo shahaado helista

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Haddii aad tahay daryeel bixiye dhex socda Tababarka Aasaasiga ah oo isku diyaarinaya inaad noqoto Kaaliyaha Daryeelka Guriga (HCA) shahaado haysta, waxaad hagis iyo taageero ka heli kartaa Hagayaasha Asaagaa ah!

Hagaha Asaagaa ah waa daryeel bixiye shahaado haysta laftooda, oo leh sanado khibrad daryeel ah iyo sidoo kale tababarida daryeelayaasha kale ee geedi-socodka shahaada helista.

Waxaad taageero ka heli kartaa:

  • Ka qaybgalka Bandhig Xirfadeedka ee Webinar-ka Onlaynka ah.
  • Samaysashada jadwal 30-daqiiqo fadhi taageero taleefan ah.
  • Iimayl u dirida Hagaha Asaagaa.

30-Daqiiqo Kulan Taageero ah(Telefoon)

Waxaad ballan telefoon ku qabsan kartaa nus saac Hagaha Asaaga ah. Kalfadhigu wuxuu kaa caawin karaa inaad dib u cusboonaysiiso xirfadaha lagu barto fasalka oo aad kalsooni ku hesho daryeelka. Waxaad ballansan kartaa kulan taageero wakhti kasta—marka aad bilowdo daryeelka, markaad isu diyaarinayso imtixaankaaga shahaadada ah ee HCA ama xitaa ka dib markaad hore u qaadatay oo aad ka gudubtay imtixaanka. Kaalmo ku hel:

  • Xirfadaha Tabbabarka Aasaasiga ah.
  • Kalsoonida daryeelka.
  • Tallooyinka daryeelsiinta.
  • Geedi-socodka shahaadada HCA, oo ay ku jirto diyaarinta imtixaanada.

Waxaad ballansan kartaa wicitaan wakhti kasta 9 a.m. ilaa 5:00 p.m., Isniin ilaa Jimce. Wac ama iimayl u dir si aad u ballansato kulanka taageerada: 855-803-2095 ama Peer.Mentorship@myseiubenefits.org


Bandhig Xirfadeedka (Webinar-ka Tooska ah, Onlaynka ah)

Hagayaasha Asaaga waxa ay martigeliyaan kulamo bandhig xirfadeed toddobaadle ah oo loogu talagalay daryeelayaasha doonaya in ay dib u soo nooleeyaan xirfadahooda ay ku barteen tababarka. Aqoon kororsiyada onleenka ah waxaa la qabtaa Jimce walba laga bilaabo 11 a.m. ilaa iyo duhurki iyo laga bilaabo 5 ilaa iyo 6 p.m.

Ka wac ama iimayl u dir Hagaha Asaagaa si aad iskuugu diiwaangeliso aqoon kororsi onleen ah lambarka 855-803-2095 ama Peer.Mentorship@myseiubenefits.org.


Iimayl/Macluumaadka Taleefanka iyo Saacadaha Hagaha Asaagaa

Hagayaasha Aasaaga waxaa la helaa 9 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Isniin-Jimce. Marka aad soo wacdo, Hagayaasha Asaagaa waxaa laga yaabaa inay ku jiraan taleefanka iyagoo taageeraya daryeel bixiyayaasha kale. Fadlan ku dhaaf fariin leh taariikhda iyo wakhtiga ugu fiican si aan dib kuugu wacno. Waxaad ka maqli doontaa Hagaha Asaaga 24-48 saacadood gudahood.

Waxaa lagala xiriiri karaa 855-803-2095 amaPeer.Mentorship@myseiubenefits.org.

Ma u baahan tahay Caawin Luqad kale?

Ingriiska ka sokoow, waxaad kula hadli kartaa Hagaha Asaaga luqadaha soo socda:

  1. Cantonese
  2. Mandarin
  3. Fiyatnaamiis
  4. Tigree
  5. Amxaar
  6. Isbaanish
  7. Carabi
  8. Somali
  9. Dhammaan luqadaha kale waxaa loogu adeegi karaa khadka luqadda.
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Scroll down below to sign up for our free online session!

Are you new to caregiving? Could use some support, encouragement or guidance?        

We understand being a new caregiver can be both gratifying and overwhelming. It’s important to us to support you on your path to success. We’ve set up a Peer Mentor support line for you to call when you’re looking for skills or training support or when you just want to talk with someone who can relate to what you’re going through.

Our Peer Mentors are certified Home Care Aides trained to support you. Mentors can help:

  • Clarify expectations as you prepare for training
  • Coach or tutor you throughout Basic Training
  • Apply skills learned in training to the realities on-the-job
  • Guide you through a professional challenge or dilemma
  • Be a resource to discuss professional growth opportunities
  • Provide general support or encouragement

Contact an experienced peer mentor today at 855-803-2095 (toll-free) or email us at peer.mentorship@myseiubenefits.org.

Support line hours are Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Please leave a message if a mentor is not immediately available. You will receive a call back within one business day. [/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/uEFvaQaJzts”][vc_column_text]

Do you have questions about the exam process for Home Care Aide Certification? We can help with our FREE online session!

Register for our online session where we’ll cover the basics – from the DOH application, to the Prometric emails, to the exam itself.

During the session, we’ll also answer any questions you may have.

You’re only registered if you see “Your response has been recorded” after hitting submit.

Loading…[/vc_column_text][vc_tta_accordion][vc_tta_section title=”Who can use Peer Mentors?” tab_id=”1481756910602-248d0128-e147″][vc_column_text]

  • Individuals who have completed Orientation & Safety
  • Students enrolled in/waiting to take Basic Training 70
  • Individuals preparing to take or re-take the certification exam
  • Newly certified Home Care Aides
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How does the program work?” tab_id=”1481756910746-3c62fb32-3142″][vc_column_text]Students may receive an email or a call from a peer mentor to offer assistance. Students can also call peer mentors at any time at 855-803-2095 or by email at peer.mentorship@myseiubenefits.org.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How can this program help you?” tab_id=”1481757004044-38c730e0-2596″][vc_column_text]Peer mentorship can reduce anxiety by providing clarity around the realities of being a Home Care Aide and helping you navigate the process of working toward certification.

Students who received support say they experienced improved confidence in their skills and reduced test anxiety, and report feeling more prepared for the certification exam.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How much does it cost? ” tab_id=”1481757026045-cbcb0843-12d5″][vc_column_text]Students can use up to 12 free hours of peer mentoring support.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”How is this different than the Member Resource Center?” tab_id=”1481757102273-ccefba3f-f281″][vc_column_text]Peer mentoring is one-on-one support through phone and email to provide general encouragement to acquire new skills as you navigate caregiving.

The Member Resource Center (MRC) can help answer questions about health care benefits, retirement benefits, and training schedules. The Member Resource Center is available to support you Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can reach the MRC at 1-866-371-3200 or via email at MRC@myseiubenefits.org.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][vc_column_text]

Contact a peer mentor today at 855-803-2095 or email us at peer.mentorship@myseiubenefits.org.
