Advanced Home Care Aide Specialist

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) by pressing or clicking the (+) next to the FAQ category.

General: answers to general questions before you enroll in training.

How do I enroll in the Advanced Home Care Aide Specialist program?
If you are an eligible, please enroll based on your provider type:

  • Agency Providers (APs): contact your agency to enroll.
  • Individual Providers (IPs): call the Member Resource Center (MRC) at 1-866-371-3200 or email 

Do I need to have a My Benefits login to take this class?
Yes. After you enroll in the Advanced Home Care Specialist Program, you will need to log into My Benefits and go to the Caregiver Learning Center to see class information like date, time and location.

You will also need to access the Caregiver Learning Center to complete your online lessons.

How do I get my BG Person ID for the My Benefits and the Caregiver Learning Center login?
If you did not receive an email with your BG Person ID and password, please contact the Member Resource Center (MRC) at 1-866-371-3200.

What languages is this course offered in?
Currently this course is offered in English only. Professional interpreters will not be provided and materials will only be in English.

What if I need language support?
You are allowed to bring a community interpreter to class. If you are bringing a community interpreter, you must contact the MRC at 1-866-371-3200 to reserve an additional seat.

Can I receive my course materials in a different language?
No. Course materials are only available in English.

Can I take this course all online?
This course is both in-person and online. You must attend all in-person classes and complete all online work to pass the course.

 Can I access training on my phone?
While you can access online lessons from some smartphones, it is not the recommended learning experience for this course. (Apple mobile devices can only access online lessons if the GoLearn app is downloaded.)

Why is there a raise after the training is completed?
Caregivers who complete the Advanced Home Care Aide Specialist Program are building on their Basic Training skills. When Advanced Training is completed, graduates would have spent 105 hours to 145 hours in training.

This is a significant investment in training. Advanced Home Care Aide Specialists are also working with clients who require a more complex level of care, and therefore require more caregiving skills. These increases in skills and knowledge are reflected in the pay differential bargained for in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for Individual Providers (IPs).

If you are an Agency Provider (AP), you will need to look at your CBA to determine if you are eligible for a pay differential.

Please contact your employer if you have any questions about pay differentials.

What is included in the curriculum for the class?
Skills Labs will include the following subjects: Person-Centered Care, Problem-solving, Motivational Interviewing, De-escalation, Treatment and Care Plans, Monitoring, Observation, & Reporting, Medication Management, Health Literacy and Client Engagement, and Organizing Care Activities. See the full curriculum description.

Where are the classes located?
Classes are scheduled all over Washington state. As soon as a class is scheduled, the exact location and times are listed. See the current classes available.

What does my client get out of this training?
Your client will benefit from your additional caregiving knowledge. The “soft skills” are designed to help you interact effectively and positively, with caregiving goals in mind. There are also some skills that can help more directly, such as medication management and working with treatment and care plans.

I’m a parent provider, and I’ve been taking care of my son/daughter for years. Why would I want to take this training?
The knowledge and familiarity you have with your family member is important and irreplaceable. This training includes skills that may still benefit your caregiving and add to your knowledge, including Problem-solving, De-escalation, Treatment and Care Plans, Medication Management, Health Literacy and Client Engagement, and Organizing Care Activities. Also, you may be eligible for a pay increase upon successful completion of this training.

Why would I want to take this training if I already completed Basic Training?
This training is optional. The reasons caregivers may attend the training include:

  • A pay increase for eligible caregivers.
  • The opportunity to learn advanced caregiving skills that help clients with complex needs.
  • Help building a stronger and better relationship with your client.
  • Grow your caregiving career professionally with a new certification.

Eligibility: answers to questions about training eligibility.

Can I complete my training if I am no longer working with the client who made me eligible?
If you are currently in training, you may be able to continue.

However, SEIU 775 Benefits Group does not determine your pay or eligibility. Please contact your new employer to determine your eligibility. They can also answer questions about pay during the training and pay differentials after the training is successfully completed.

If you are no longer working and do not have an active employer, you will not be paid to complete your training. Only active employers participating in the Advanced Home Care Specialist Program can pay for the training.

Can I complete my training if I am no longer working for the employer who made me eligible?
Please contact your new employer if your employment status changed. They determine eligibility and can answer questions about pay.

Scheduling: answers to questions about class schedule and rescheduling classes.

How long is the training?
Training is spread out over 8 weeks.

Where do I find my class schedule?
After you enroll, you can log into My Benefits and go to the Caregiver Learning Center to find your class schedule under the “My Schedule” tab.

Will my employer be notified of my training schedule?
No, you must notify your employer if you are an Agency Provider.

Can I print my schedule?
If you would like to print your schedule you can go to My Schedule page within the Caregiver Learning Center. Please remember, the printed material is only as good as the date it was printed.

How will I be notified if there is a schedule change?
You will receive a notification either by phone or email that there has been a change in your schedule.

If you are an Agency Provider (AP), please notify your employer of schedule changes.

What if I miss the first day of class?
Attendance on day 1 is mandatory. If you miss your first day of class, you will need to unenroll from the course before enrolling into a new one.

  • If you are an Individual Provider (IP), you can contact the Member Resource Center at 1-866-371-3200.
  • If you are an AP, contact your employer.

 Do I need to take my classes in order?
It is strongly encouraged to take the classes in order. Each class builds on prior knowledge taught in the previous class.

If you need to change a session, you can switch any session except for Skills Lab 1. You must attend the first class to receive your course material.

How do I reschedule a class other than day one?
If you are an IP, you can reschedule within the Caregiver Learning Center by using the “Change Session” icon found at the top of the Session Details page. Or, you can contact the Member Resource Center at 1-866-371-3200.

If you are an AP, please contact your employer to assist you with rescheduling.

How do I cancel/unenroll from my class?
If you are an Individual Provider (IP), you can contact the Member Resource Center at 1-866-371-3200.

If you are an AP, please contact your employer.



Class: answers to common questions after enrolling in Advanced Training.

What do I need to bring to the first day of class?
You will receive your materials during the first in-person class.

It is recommended that you:

  • Bring a pen/pencil, your driver’s license for attendance, and a bag to carry the items you will receive during class.
  • Have your Caregiver Learning Center login username and password.
    • Important: Your instructor will not be able to assist you with logging into your account. If assistance is needed, please contact the MRC at 1-866-371-3200 prior to coming to class.
  • Arrive a few minutes before the start of your class time.
    • If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, you will not be able to enter the classroom.

I misplaced my materials, what can I do?
You will get your materials on the first day of class. If you misplace your materials, please contact the Member Resource Center by emailing or by calling 1-866-371-3200.

What if I don’t have my own device?
On the first day of class, you can check out a device to use for the course. You will return the device on your last in-person class day.

What should I know if I choose to use my own device for class?
You will be loaned a device from SEIU 755 Benefits Group to complete this class but, you can choose to use your own device.

If you are using your own device, it must be a device where you can have regular and reliable access to:

  • Use the internet.
  • Complete assigned online lessons.
  • Download resources.
  • Check your email.
  • Complete assessments using a microphone and webcam.
    • Please make sure to bring your own earbuds/headphones.

Note: Technical support is only available to you if you are using the device issued by SEIU 775 Benefits Group.

Who do I contact for classroom device support?
You can email and they will get back to you as quickly as possible.

If you have questions about device settings or instructions that cannot be answered in the Technology Guide, please contact the Member Resource Center at 1-866-371-3200. They are available from Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm.

Do I need to complete the classes and online lessons in order?
It is highly recommended you complete the classes and online lessons in order. This will give you the best course experience and prepare for upcoming classes in your schedule.

How much time do I spend in class and online?
Class time is limited to one in-person Skills Lab a week, which ranges in class time from 4 to 6 hours.

Online time required per week ranges from 1 to 6 hours a week. Over 8 weeks, you will spend 70 hours total in training.

I want to take the class but already know I would have to miss a day. Can I still sign up?
It is encouraged that you only enroll in class series where you can take the classes in order.

However, only the first in-person class has mandatory attendance. You can reschedule any other missed class.

Can I still take the training if I miss the first in-person session?
No. You will receive loaned devices, technology training and course materials in the first in-person class. You will need to unenroll and enroll in a new class series if you miss the first class.

Do I receive a certification when I’m done?
When you finish the training and pass the class, you will become a certified Advanced Home Care Aide Specialist and can use this title professionally.

How should I claim my hours?
You should work with your employer to ensure your training hours and client hours do not exceed your work week limit.


Assessment: answers to questions about assessments you take during training.

Are there assessments during the course?
During the course there are Knowledge-Based Assessments and Performance-Based Assessments. You must complete the assessments to complete the course. Some assessments will be completed during class and other assessments will be completed on your own time outside of class.

Am I graded on my assessments?
There is no passing score for Knowledge-Based Preassessments.

Postassessments and Performance-Based Assessments have a passing score of 80% or above. You may retake Postassessments and Performance-Based Assessments as needed.

What does a performance-based assessment consist of?
Using a device, you will record yourself demonstrating skills you learn during training. Your videos will be sent to a proctor who will review the recordings and provide feedback.

Class Completion: answers to common questions after completing training

Where can I access my transcripts?
If you are an Agency Provider, contact your employer to request an official transcript.

If you are an Individual Provider, email

How do I return my device if I am no longer attending the training?
Your device should be returned on the last day of class.

Can I still access the materials online after the class?
Materials will still be accessible within the Caregiver Learning Center after the class has ended.

What should I do if I did not complete my online lessons by the last day of training?
To receive credit for the course, you must complete all online lessons.

If you have not completed your online lessons by the last day of training, please log into My Benefits and go to the Caregiver Learning Center and complete your online lessons as soon as possible. You will have to use your own device to complete the lessons.