A New Way Forward: Game-Based Online Training Added
DID YOU KNOW? New research now shows that organizations using video games to train employees end up with smarter, more motivated workers who learn more and forget less.
A University of Colorado Denver Business School study found those trained on video games do their jobs better, have higher skills and retain information longer than workers learning in less interactive, more passive environments.
“Companies have been designing video games for employees for years but so far it has all been done on a hunch. They suspected the games helped but they could never actually prove it,” said Traci Sitzmann, PhD, assistant professor of management at the Business School whose study will be published in the winter edition of Personnel Psychology. “We now know video games work, and we know why they work.” Learn more here
Check out the three new online continuing education gaming courses provided by SEIU 775 Training Partnership, below:
TITLE: Ergonomics: Home Care Aide and Consumer Safety
Course Description: In this course you will learn about the importance of ergonomics – proper body mechanics – and how to work smarter to ensure your safety, as well as that of consumers.
TITLE: Nutrition: Creating Healthy and Balanced Meals for Consumers
Course Description: In this course you will learn the nutritional benefits and characteristics of different food groups so you can better support Consumers with balanced and healthy menus.
TITLE: Supporting Consumer Mobility and Health
Course Description: This course will help HCAs become familiar with different kinds of physical activities to support Consumer mobility