Receive 200 Gloves Per Month – FREE!
Individual Providers serving Medicaid and state-only-funded clients have access to gloves as part of each client’s health benefit. Gloves must be available for use by Individual Providers (IPs) when providing hands-on personal care services to clients. Wearing protective gloves and washing hands frequently will greatly decrease the risk of spreading infection.
Each client is eligible to receive a supply of 200 gloves per month. Additional gloves can be requested if medically necessary. Clients can access glove supplies in the following ways:
Apple Health (Medicaid) Managed Care Program Clients
Follow the instructions documented on the “How to obtain non-sterile gloves for your personal caregiver” flyer which will be included in the clients service packet.
Apple Health (Medicaid) Non-Managed Care Clients
- Find a Durable Medical Equipment Supplier at the Health Care Authority website.
- Call your primary care physician.
- Call the number located on the back of his/her Medical Services Card.
State-Only Funded Clients
- Check with their health insurance to see if gloves are offered as a benefit.
- If gloves are not covered by their insurance, contact their case manager at the Home and Community Service, Area Agency on Aging or Developmental Disabilities Administration office.
Click here for locations of where to receive your 200 free gloves.