Congressman Kilmer (WA-6) Highlights Training Partnership’s Apprenticeship Program
Derek Kilmer, Representative of Washington’s 6th Congressional District, features SEIU Healthcare NW Training Partnership and the Apprenticeship Program in a recent article on His article also highlights the story of his visit with Judy, a home care aid, and the experience working with her consumer David.
Kilmer writes: “Since Congress last passed the Workforce Investment Act more than a decade ago, Washington state has adopted innovative ways to strengthen our workforce training programs, getting workers the skills they need to stay competitive for years to come.
“One such approach of note is the Advanced Home Care Aide Registered Apprenticeship program. It’s the nation’s first U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship program for home care workers. Developed through the SEIU Healthcare NW Training Partnership, this “earn while you learn” model is industry-driven and designed to meet the growing demands of our aging population.
“Nearly everyone agrees that we must do a better job of training tomorrow’s workforce for the demands of our 21st century economy – that includes caring for our aging population. With Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act’s passage and examples like the Training Partnership, I’m confident we can meet the needs of the employers, workers, and our seniors.” Rep. Kilmer connects the demands of the economy and the Training Partnership’s commitment over the next five years to expand the number of home care apprentices we train to more than 3,000 annually.