You Can Receive 200 Gloves Per Month – FREE!
Individual Providers (IPs) serving Medicaid and state-only funded clients have access to gloves as part of each client’s health benefit. Gloves must be available for use by Individual Providers (IPs) when providing hands-on personal care services to clients. Wearing protective gloves and washing hands frequently greatly reduces the risk of spreading disease or infection.
Each client is eligible to receive a supply of 200 gloves per month, with additional gloves available by request.
Apple Health (Medicaid) Managed Care Program Clients
Follow the instructions documented on the “How to obtain non-sterile gloves for your personal caregiver” flyer, which is included in your client’s service packet.
Apple Health (Medicaid) Non-Managed Care Clients
- Find a Durable Medical Equipment Supplier at the Health Care Authority website.
- Call your primary care physician.
- Call the number located on the back of his/her Medical Services Card.
State-Only Funded Clients
- Check with your client’s health insurance to see if gloves are offered as a benefit.
- If gloves are not covered by their insurance, contact their case manager at the Home and Community Service, Area Agency on Aging or Developmental Disabilities Administration office.